Jaga Jazzist – APEX

Living through a pandemic, Jaga Jazzist’s track ‘Apex’ takes up the role of a soundtrack for the merciless pressure of quarantine and Isolation. The perfect accompaniment for a journey into the dark reaches of our sanity, where time just floats, no matter how hard the clock works to move on.

Because we all felt it – the creeping malaise tightening its grip. And then a feeling of defiance. The need to break free from the restrictions and the isolation. To express ourselves and relentlessly fight on, no matter what comes in our way. No matter how alone we are.

Music: ‘Apex’ by Jaga Jazzist
Choreographer / dancer: Marianne Haugli
Directors: Johnsen & Mona
DoP: Karl Erik Brøndbo

Steadycam operator: Atle Holtan
1. AC: Daniele Marchitelli
1. AC: Tom Kopperud
2. AC: Luigi Cortese

Make-up: Trude Mokkelbost

Jonas Grimeland
Mats Høiby

Erlend Mjømen Knudsen
Christian Mona

Post-producer, MPC: Ellora Chowdhury
Colourist, MPC: Matthieu Toullet

Focus film lab:
Nina Boriri
Ali Boriri

Camera equipment from Kamerautleien, Oslo:
Carina Istre
Fabian Beto

Additional camera equipment from Storyline:
Kjetil C. Astrup

Thanks to:
Jannecke Nordskog, Oslo Assembly
Lars Tovik, Oslo Assembly
Niels Windfeldt
Andreas Johannessen
Elisabeth Mala

Jaga Jazzist - ‘Apex’
Lars Horntveth - Synthesizers, Electric Guitar, Piano, Programming
Marcus Forsgren - Electric Guitar, Vocals
Øystein Moen - Synthesizers